It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees

If you’re cold, they’re cold!
Bring your pets inside!
If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for them.
Right? Wrong.
If I only let the floofs out in weather I was comfortable in, they would hate me. They’d think I was torturing them—trying to prevent them from enjoying life.
They’d revolt. Trash cans would be emptied. Walls would be chewed. Pyr-sized holes would be made in our doors to escape and enjoy their favorite weather.
Bonus points if there’s snow on the ground.
Unfortunately, we don’t get much snow here in Seattle, but when we do, Mauja, Atka, and Kiska are some seriously happy floofs—and here are 19 other Great Pyrenees enjoying the weather.
I’m pretty sure Cujo is attempting to melt into the snow and hide outside. Someone is NOT coming inside anytime soon
I spot another Seattle pyr enjoying the recent snowfall!
Gorgeous dog, gorgeous view! Tucker seems to be surveying his territory—everything the light touches
Bliss is in bliss
Maeby demonstrating exactly just how much pyrs love the snow
It’s important to become one with the snow.
I think someone shoved his face in a snow pile, and I’m pretty sure he couldn’t be happier.
Nothing better than this fluffy butt view
Related: 10 Great Pyrenees Photos to Start Your Week Right
No, I’m absolutely not interested in coming inside. Thanks for asking.
It looks like someone just told Luna that the snow will eventually melt, and she is not pleased.
“Did I stutter? I told you, I do NOT want to come inside.”
Love that happy prance!
Look at that smile! Someone is quite content
Zoomies are more fun in the snow.
She found the pyrfect nap spot
“I’ll come inside when you catch me. May the odds be ever in your favor.”
“Yeah, no. I’m absolutely not moving from this spot.”
A pyr will find snow. Even if it’s just a small snow pile.
Frisky floof in his element!
Do you struggle to get your pyr inside in this weather? Head over to our Facebook page to share your floof loving the snow!

The post 19 Pyrs Who Absolutely Do Not Want to Come Inside appeared first on It's Dog or Nothing.