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Its Dog or Nothing

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13 Great Pyrenees Trying to Beat the Heat

It's Dog or Nothing - All Things Great Pyrenees

It's summer and it's hot, hot, hot. We're all melting, so take some tips from these Great Pyrenees trying to beat the heat.

It’s summer and it is hot. We’ve been living in the Seattle area for the past three years, so the switch to Virginia weather has been quite the shock for the floofs. Between a/c, baby pools, and frozen treats, we’ve been able to keep everyone fairly cool.

Here are some ways other pyrs are beating the summer heat.

Mauja also likes to go into the shower on a hot day (or when she’s trying to hide from fireworks).

“Just dippin’ my paws in the water. Nothing to see here.”

I’m sure a day at the beach was more than necessary!

Ahh, what a happy face!

Atka wants to join the party.

“It’s like, really hot outside, guys.”

Related: 11 Great Pyrenees Trying to Keep Cool

Another pyr enjoying the cool, tile floor!

Looking so unamused, but I love the face!

What a view!

Pyr pups in baby pools—not much cuter!

Okay, how many people have taught their pyrs to do this? I’d love to try with Kiska!

Ranch dogs have to keep cool, too!

Waterfall pyr love.

Want to see some more floofs trying to beat the heat? Check out Mauja, Atka, Kiska, and Kaani enjoying some pool time!

The post 13 Great Pyrenees Trying to Beat the Heat appeared first on It's Dog or Nothing.

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