It's Dog or Nothing - Living Large. Living Fluffy
You Might Have a Great Pyrenees If…
1. You wear a suit of white fur everywhere you go. You probably find that fur in your food (it’s a condiment, right?). You find white fur in your office, your car, and even on your friends clothes. Sorry, not sorry, guys.
2. Your dog is frequently mistaken for a “white Newfoundland” or, more commonly, a polar bear. There’s also Santa Paws, Olaf, and Falkor.
3. You keep your house on the cool side, even in the winter, to ensure your fluffy butt is comfortable. Pan to me in front of the fireplace, under a heated blanket, clutching a mug of hot chocolate…
4. You have a scar on your face from being whacked with a giant pyr paw. It was a loving paw, of course, and you’ll always have the mark to remember it.
5. You feel like a celebrity when you’re out with your dog. People flock to pet your dog making it impossible to get from point A to point B in decent time. You don’t care – it brightens your day to talk about your beloved furbaby. People secretly (or not so secretly) snap photos with your dog. #celebridog
6. You’ve snorted *insert beverage of choice* out of your nose when a stranger asked your dog to sit and instead your dog casually walked away. A remark about a lack of training was probably made, but you were laughing too hard to care.
7. You’ve become immune to the sound of barking. Your neighbor kindly (or not so kindly) informs you of the noise you no longer hear.
8. Speaking of barking – You turn up the volume on the television rather than try and quiet the bark fest. You know you’ll never win.
9. You twisted your ankle from tripping in a giant crater your dog gifted you with.
10. You’re constantly looking for the holy grail of vacuum cleaners that will withstand your pyr fur (and not die in a few months), but you haven’t had any luck so far. PS – Currently accepting recommendations.
11. You’ve experienced a true love and deep devotion that you never imagined existed.
So tell me – what are some other signs that you have a Great Pyrenees?
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